This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



September-October 2017

Why Canada’s friends abroad need to get over Justin Trudeau

He's not all that

RM Vaughan@rm_vaughan

Dear Europeans, Listen, we Canadians are fond of you. And sometimes you Europeans can even find our country on a map. We like the way you keep it post-colonial. But we have to have a chat about Prime Minister Trudeau. The new one, Justin. Not Disco Trudeau—that was Trudeau 2.0’s dad. I’m talking about Yoga […] More »
January-February 2010

Interview: sealskin clothing designer and lawyer Aaju Peter

Paul McLaughlinWebsite

Europe’s sealskin ban threatens her runway-ready apparel—and maybe the entire Inuit way of life A majority of the 27 member states of the European Union voted to ban the trade of seal product imports such as pelts, oil, and meat last July. The ban comes into effect in August 2010. Although the EU did allow […] More »
January-February 2010

Why does Europe tolerate its artistic geniuses committing sex crimes?

Daniel TencerWebsite

Among the remarkable details of Roman Polanski’s arrest last fall was the notably different reaction to it on the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean. While the North American media published explicit and condemnatory accounts of Polanski’s rape of a thirteen-year-old girl, in Europe the reaction was much more ambivalent. The governments of France and […] More »