This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



January-February 2017

A company headed for New Brunswick wants to pay Canadians to donate blood

After the 1980s tainted blood scandal, recommendations called for voluntary blood donation in the country. But that could change.

Emily Baron Cadloff@EmilyBat

In 1992, Michael McCarthy visited his doctor hoping for answers. McCarthy had been feeling sick for years—fatigued, with aching joints and pain in his abdomen. “They said, ‘By the way, you have hepatitis C,’” McCarthy recalls. “I said, ‘What’s that?’ And they said, ‘Don’t worry, it’ll take years to kill you.’” McCarthy is among thousands of hemophiliacs who used […] More »

Friday FTW: an in vitro meat and greet

Vincent Colistro

I eat meat. I like the taste of it, and each day I witness my belly’s lust for the stuff dupe my mind into concordance. It’s simple. I look at a cluster of cooked chicken strands in a shawarma sandwich and it has none of the paradigmatic signs of life or pain or loss that […] More »