This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Elliot Rodger

Gender Block: Yes All Women

Hillary Di Menna

Since the Elliot Rodger story broke two weekends ago, many took to Twitter and other social media platforms using #YesAllWomen. With this hash tag, women posted circumstances regarding all kinds of abuse and discrimination. For many, this kind of sharing can be a way for a victim to have their voice heard, a forum for […] More »

Gender Block: Why the “nice guy” stereotype is so dangerous

Hillary Di Menna

Nice guys always finish last. Whenever they treat a woman like a friend, it doesn’t end up in sex! Sometimes, the guy will buy flowers and gifts for the woman, despite the fact she has expressed zero interest romantically, and again—no sex! This woman often becomes re-classified as an ice queen, a bitch, a friend […] More »