This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



May-June 2017

Inside the Conservative leadership race’s biggest blunders

From strange breastfeeding stories to uncomfortable campaign videos

Allison Baker

The Conservative leadership race ends this Saturday, May 27. In the months leading up to the big day, This collected some of the worst uh-oh moments from candidates: Deepak Obhrai’s French made a lacklustre appearance at the January 17 debate in Quebec City, featuring a lot of finger-stabbing, repetition of poorly pronounced words (“bonsoir, bonsoir, bonsoir”), and […] More »

Everything you need to know about the federal Conservative leadership frontrunners

The party will be electing a new leader in May 2017

Jeremy Appel@jerapp3

The Conservative Party of Canada’s leadership race, scheduled to conclude in May 2017, is off to an inauspicious start. Between fights in the name of “Canadian values” and hot takes on same-sex marriage, the candidates appear to be competing to see who can advocate the most regressive policies, with a few notable exceptions. This takes […] More »