This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Canadian Medical Association

As 2011 dawns, Ontario’s extreme fighters prepare to fight—legally

Jeremy BealWebsite

Extreme fighting has always been illegal in Ontario, but underground fights happened anyway. With legalization in 2011, the controversial sport is about to become big business. The champ climbs into the steel cage against the sounds of loud, thrashing theme music, polite applause, and the odd hiss. Caleb Grummet may be holding the championship belt, […] More »

Margin of Error #4: Inside Maclean's dangerously empty statistics on teenagers

allison martell

The online version of Maclean’s recent piece on young women really doesn’t do the print version justice. “Inside the Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls” was splashed across the cover, along with two dangerously empty looking girls. As usual, the cover suggested something more comprehensive and controversial than the actual article inside the magazine—in this […] More »

Body Politic #8: Big Pharma and public health insurance—too close for comfort

lyndsie bourgon

When was the last time you called Bayer or GlaxoSmithKline up for a chat about your prescription regime? Never, right? Doctors are our go-between, the ones who prescribe and manage our health, who pay attention to developments in pharmaceuticals, and we generally have to trust them to know what we need. While many provinces are […] More »

Body Politic #6: Mental health systems are failing foster children

lyndsie bourgon

Susan Chamberlain says she’s reluctant to complain about money. We’re talking about the difficulties in providing mental health care for foster children, and the problem is essentially one we hear from so many reaches of health care policy. The ‘R’ word: resources. There’s not enough money. “There’s no question that the kids need it,” says […] More »