This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Andrew Potter

July-August 2010

Book Review: Andrew Potter’s The Authenticity Hoax

Eve Tobolka

Sure, it’s easy to be disenchanted with society: its corporate lies, political impotence, and information overload. The hunt for authenticity “has become the spiritual quest of our time,” Andrew Potter, famed co-author of The Rebel Sell, writes in his new book, The Authenticity Hoax. A way to escape all we believe to be fake and […] More »
July-August 2004

Book Reviews: Jack Layton, I Know You Are But What Am I?, Free Culture, Viral Suite

This Staff

IDEA MAN It always makes me wild with rage when the complexities of a federal election are idiotically reduced to a single issue for voters. The major parties, and the mainstream media, seem to assume that people have the attention span of three-year-olds. Then along comes Jack Layton’s Speaking Out: Ideas That Work for Canadians, […] More »