This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Prime Minister Layton

This Magazine Staff

The Right Honourable Jack Layton, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada Prime Minister Layton has been an impassioned social advocate for more than 30 years. As the national voice for municipalities as president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, a city councilor or a student leader, Mr. Layton has brought energy and leadership to achieve […] More »

Documenting Democracy

This Magazine Staff

I hear that Toronto is all-abuzz over Hot Docs, the annual film fest running until May 1. I was actually expecting to be down for it this week, to help Capture Entertainment with their pitch to make a film version of The Rebel Sell. Capture put together a proposal for The Democracy Project, “an exciting […] More »

Canadian Culture, Meet the Sewer Pipe

This Magazine Staff

News this morning that the CBC is laying people off. That’s sort of like saying, “once again, spring has followed winter,” isn’t it? In other culture notes, the federal government’s proposed changes to the Copyright Act suggest that Canada’s educators will soon have a free hand in taking copyright material off the Internet for classroom […] More »

rats…. sinking ship…

This Magazine Staff

Pettigrew quitting politics: report The prime minister has lobbied Pettigrew not to take the job, saying people might think the foreign affairs minister is leaving because he is unhappy with the federal Liberals, according to other reports. Why would anybody think that? More »

How Wolfie touched our lives

This Magazine Staff

Brian Iler is a long-time friend of This Magazine and it is no exaggeration to say that if not for the considerable time he has spent as a volunteer legal advisor to me and my colleagues, This Magazine might have gone under years ago. And so, we would like to offer our best wishes to […] More »

come on, guess!

This Magazine Staff

WHOOPS: Make that 197 days to go. 226 days still to go. More »

videogames make you smart (er)

This Magazine Staff

The latest buzz book, in the Blink/Collapse/Wisdom of Crowds mold, is Everything Bad is Good for You, by Steven Johnson. It was excerpted in the NY Times Magazine this weekend, and has been widely blogged. I’m reviewing the book for the National Post, and I read it, cover to cover, in about three hours last […] More »

The Most Powerful Person in the Country? — take your pick.

This Magazine Staff

David Kilgour, MP for Edmonton Beaumont. This Globe story has Kilgour, a former Liberal but now an independent, being the essential link in the chain that could see the Liberal Party defeating a non-confidence motion next month and clinging to power just long enough to pass some crucial legislation, now all tempered by a possible […] More »

Finding one’s way in the Nation of Rebels

This Magazine Staff

From the Sunday New York Times: Democratic Moral Values? While the Democratic Party traces its ideological lineage on economic issues to the New Deal, its DNA on social issues was created by the union of the two principal movements of the 1960’s: civil rights and the antiwar counterculture. The two are generally discussed as part […] More »

guess the date!

This Magazine Staff

228 days remaining. More »

Put the pope in your address book

This Magazine Staff

John Paul II was the first wired pope, and he received many an emailed prayer. But if you don’t have his current coordinates (does heaven have high-speed?) You might try emailing the new pope (in English) at [email protected]. He has a separate address for Italian queries. I think I’ll tell him how much I like […] More »