This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Meanwhile, in Chile…

This Magazine Staff

A proposed open-pit mine to be run by Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold touched off protests early this month of 2,000 each in Santiago and Vallenar, near the mine site. From CorpWatch: “Barrick! Listen! Chile will not surrender!, No to Pascua Lama!,” roared a crowd of protestors as they paraded through the streets of Santiago, […] More »

It’s the scurvy

This Magazine Staff

I don’t know why anyone bothers blogging when there is Inkless Wells. Everytime Wells declares that he’s taking a break and that “blogging will be sporadic for a while,” he turns around and unleashes the best stuff anywhere. Today, he follows his rant against Harper with an annotated reply to one of his critics. Sometimes […] More »

You gotta admire their cajones

This Magazine Staff

Ever so quietly, the federal budget has been passed. I’m not a fan of the Liberals or their apparent behaviour in AdScam, but I’m pretty impressed with their resourcefulness; they found a little-used procedural motion to force through the budget late last night. Of course, it helps that this is a good budget for Canadians. […] More »

Exit Interview for Ethics Commissioner?

This Magazine Staff

Regular readers of this blog might remember back in March a little investigative work by Andrew Potter revealed some problems with accountability in the Ethics Commissioner’s office. Seems the Sgro inquiry has taught the Ethics Commissioner a few things. Like it shouldn’t take seven months to find an office, hire a staff and make a […] More »

If the blood loss doesn’t kill you, the poison will

This Magazine Staff

Creationists, please avert your eyes. News from the University of Alberta’s school of paleontology today that some of the earliest mammals had a lethally poisonous bite. From today’s Edmonton Journal, the fossil in question belonged to “Bisonalveus browni, a furry, insect-eating creature about the size of a mouse that lived in North America some 60 […] More »


This Magazine Staff

I just wanted to take a moment to note Paul Wells’ recent advice to Stephen Harper. “Do something!” And then go back, way back to a blog posting I made about a month ago. Here’s me in the comments section later: But seriously folks, does anyone else think that those rumours about a “dump Harper” […] More »

Who knew?

This Magazine Staff

I took my time this morning and went to get Live 8 tickets just now, but I’ve discovered that all of them were snapped up in 25 minutes! How disappointing. More »

Sorry, but god really is dead

This Magazine Staff

UPDATE: Tabarrok is still clued out. If God suddenly appeared, all lighting bolts etc., the correct scientific reaction would not be “oh, I guess the theists were right all along.” It would be: “Gee, I wonder where God came from.” Again, if we can just accept the existence of organised complexity as a brute fact […] More »

Hindering rational debate: It’s the Fraser Institute’s way

This Magazine Staff

Any day now the Fraser Institute will come out with its “news” that Tax Freedom Day — a device that is meant to show Canadians when they start “working for themselves” instead of the government — is just around the corner. This year, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has beat them to the punch […] More »

New ATM Service: Constitutional advice

This Magazine Staff

The Post today reports on a very interesting new study from the Bank of Nova Scotia, warning that the fiscal arrangements between Ottawa and the provinces are a total mess. No kidding. I haven’t read the actual study yet, but while some of it sounds a bit iffy (the Bank appears to endorse the notion […] More »

Sorry, sorry, the phone kept ringing as I tried to leave the house—did I miss anything important?

This Magazine Staff

Parkdale-High Park MP Sarmite Bulte gives her party a pulse check because she thought it would be okay to NOT be in Ottawa all day when 15 confidence motions were on the schedule. In the end, she made a mad dash into Parliament, having missed some minor votes and just in time for the government […] More »