This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Not driven with pride

This Magazine Staff

Ford Motor Company in the US appears to have buckled under pressure from the anti-gay American Family Association and pulled advertising for two of its major brands from gay media. I say appears not because it’s not a fact, but because Ford doesn’t seem to want to just admit it. From an item in the […] More »

16 years ago today

This Magazine Staff

Victims of December 6, 1989 Genevieve Bergeron Helene Colgan Nathalie Croteau Barbara Daigneault Anne-Marie Edward Maud Haviernick Barbara Klucznik Widajewicz Maryse Laganiere Maryse Leclair Anne-Marie Lemay Sonia Pelletier Michele Richard Annie St-Arneault Annie Turcotte More »

constitutional games

This Magazine Staff

Since Andrew Potter pointed out how the NDP has itself to blame for being labelled a socialist party in The Economist (the principles of democratic socialism are much celebrated in the NDP’s constitution), I thought it would be a fun game to rename the other political parties in the country based on their constitutional declarations. […] More »

Set your TiVo … uh, probably too late for that

This Magazine Staff

Just a heads up: Maureen Dowd is going to be on the Colbert Report tonight… in a few minutes… More »

war resisters support campaign

This Magazine Staff

I’m not affiliated with this in any way, but some of you in the TO area might find this interesting. ************** LET THEM STAY Voices of US War Resisters in Canada Narrated by Shirley Douglas Produced and directed by Alex Lisman * 28 minutes Saturday, December 10, 7:00pm Innis Town Hall, U of T 2 […] More »

The world’s media also ignores the NDP

This Magazine Staff

There’s a pretty picture of a frosty maple leaf on the cover of The Economist this week. Inside the covers, they try to explain Canada to the English speaking world. You can read “A funny sort of government” online for free if you just sit through a sponsor’s ad first. Out of a good 2100 […] More »

have you news of my boy Jack?

This Magazine Staff

One thing I like about John Degen’s arguments on this blog is that he is unapologetic about suggesting that the NDP position itself as a potential governing party. I’ve always disliked the NDP’s tendency to push itself as “the moral voice of Parliament” or other such nonsense, and I really don’t think there’s much reason […] More »

Can’t talk to a psycho like a normal human being.

This Magazine Staff

Oh man. Okay, so I thought it was pretty exciting that the CBC featured babble last week, saying it was one of the best political … blogs in Canada. Alright, babble is FULLY NOT A BLOG. But I’m happy that something I started is getting that kind of praise and media. BUT IT GETS BETTER. […] More »

The new iPod Zepto

This Magazine Staff

If you like Richard Poplak’s article in This contemplating the higher power of the iPod and its shuffle mode, you might find this McSweeney’s piece worthwhile. More »

Consumers like “ad-free” but won’t pay for it

This Magazine Staff

This recent dispatch from Reuters reports that although consumers love commercial-free radio and television programming, they really don’t want to pay for it. So, this doesn’t bode well for commercial-free sattellite radio services such as Sirius and XM, who did extensive market research that revealed consumers were clamouring for their service. Turns out when it […] More »

“America’s Most Trusted This Magazine”

This Magazine Staff

In case This is looking for some new promotions ideas, I’m linking to this site, where a snappy slogan is just a click away! My favourites are: “You’ll never put a better bit of This Magazine On Your Knife” “What Would You Do For A This?” “America’s Most Trusted This Magazine” Give it a whirl! More »