This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


CO2 They Call It Pollution We Call it Life

This Magazine Staff

This ad has been going around the blogasphere leaving behind a trail of of exploded heads. The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a pro-business think tank that is running two ads in major US cities. The ads are running with the above slogan which is mindbogglingly insulting to the relatively intelligent. To cap it all off […] More »

To Do, Tonight

This Magazine Staff

This Magazine alum John Degen (aka john_d) reads tonight from his brand new novel, “The Uninvited Guest” at the I.V. Lounge in Toronto. 326 Dundas Street West, Toronto. 7:00 p.m. Rest of weekend: Read the Uninvited Guest, pick up beer, rent “Mrs. Brown”, purchase citronella candles for balcony. More »

Must See TV

This Magazine Staff

Get out your feather boas, body glitter and “Liza with a Z” DVDs everyone, this Thursday marks the end of “Will and Grace’s” very succesful 8-year-run. Like many of you (probably) I lost serious interest years ago and only catch the occasional ep in syndication, but I’ve been musing on it’s cultural importance this month […] More »

Dose Dies

This Magazine Staff

Snap up your collector’s issues today, kids. Today’s edition of Dose will be its last, on paper at least. Publisher CanWest states it will continue to service its online property, as well as cellphones (those kids today, getting their not-news by text message!) It’s always about the money. Read the CBC story here. More »

Impeach-Watch 2006

This Magazine Staff

George Dubya Bush is struggling with the popular vote, slumping at an all time low of 29% support and 71% disapproval. With stats like this, a slowing US economy and sky-rocketing oil prices shaking consumer confidence, you wonder just how long until our American cousins actually impeached the President. If he were a Democrat president, […] More »

Burn me that album, would ya?

This Magazine Staff

This contributor Brian Joseph Davis decided it would be a good idea to take 10 records that had been banned, burn them (yes, with fire), and see how they sounded on his turntable. The sonically bizarre results are here (needs sound). I honestly can’t remember where I first read about this, but someone commented that […] More »


This Magazine Staff

Dan Savage of the advice column Savage Love is at it again. If you liked Marry an American, you’ll probably enjoy ITMFA, which stands for Impeach the Motherfucker Already, a play on one of Savage’s favourite bits of relationship advice (Dump the Motherfucker Already, or DTMFA). ITMFA is growing into a popular grassroots campaign in […] More »

New Orleans wants your bike stuff

This Magazine Staff

Emergency Communities, a Louisiana relief effort that has been on the ground helping hurricane victims since Katrina struck, is looking for people to donate bikes and bike parts. The usual benefits to health and environmental sustainability notwithstanding, bicycles are an important part of the rebuilding of New Orleans because gas is still scarce and most […] More »

count me out

This Magazine Staff

It’s census month! That magical time every five years when we are legally obligated to answer personal questions for the government. This is the first year you can complete your census form online, which might be exciting, except for the small fact that Statistics Canada has outsourced census-collection software and data processing to U.S. weapons […] More »

It’s harder than programming a VCR

This Magazine Staff

A California politician has introduced legislation to deny Tom Cruise the right to purchase any more radiographic equipment. Ted Lieu believes Cruise went too far in purchasing an ultrasound to monitor the TomKitten’s development and that unqualified people shouldn’t have access to equipment that could potentially harm them or others. Cruise recently quipped (glibly?) on […] More »

Reduntant introduction

This Magazine Staff

Allow me to introduce Calvin, although he seems to have busted through nicely without an introduction. Calvin Hwang is the name, and disturbing the proverbial shit is his game. Calvin is a Toronto-based writer with roots in the so-called city of “champions,” Edmonton, and he’s a loyal friend of This. Please help me welcome Calvin […] More »