This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



This Magazine Staff

(AP PHOTO/CP, Paul Chiasson) courtesy Yahoo images The other day, national sports radio host Bob McCown did his controversialist thing when he insisted the only reason to watch womens’ sports was for “the eye candy.” His point, though I’m not convinced he actually believes it, was layered. Woman athletes have bought into a marketing around […] More »

Found In the K-Hole

This Magazine Staff

Ketamine: cat tranquilizer, hallucinagenic rave drug, and now, possible remedy for depression. A recent US study reports that initial trials of the drug on treatment resistant depression sufferers show promising results. Lead researcher Dr Carlos Zarate Junior, head of the mood and anxiety disorders programme at NIMH, said: “Within 110 minutes, half of the patients […] More »

fun with syllogisms

This Magazine Staff

Today in the Toronto Sun, columnist Peter Worthington wrote: “Like most Canadians who don’t have AIDS and aren’t HIV carriers, Harper probably isn’t much interested in the topic. Sure, he thinks it is a terrible affliction, but not one he’s likely to get.” I’ve been mulling ever since, trying to see how this logic translates […] More »

Alert, but not quite aware

This Magazine Staff

Everyone who is anyone involved in the worldwide fight against AIDS is in Toronto right now — Bill and Melinda Gates, Bill Clinton, Alicia Keys, Richard Gere, Jack Layton and Stephen Lewis among thousands more. Which can only mean that since Prime Minister Stephen Harper is not in Toronto right now he is actively choosing […] More »

Hot Doc: No Past To Speak Of

This Magazine Staff

Set your VCRs/DVRs for this Wednesday, August 16 at 10:00 pm ET. CBC Newsworld will air the documentary “No Past To Speak Of” as part of its coverage of the International AIDS Conference now taking place in Toronto. Directed by This Magazine alumni Jeremy Gans, the film explores the subject of infant rape in South […] More »

battle for hearts and minds update

This Magazine Staff

In a story today on the very terrifying liquid explosive terror plot, The New York Times talks to Simon Reeve, author of a 1999 book on Osama bin Laden. Mr. Reeve said that while traveling recently in Indonesia he heard of many baby boys being named Osama in honor of Mr. bin Laden. In part […] More »

What if they’re innocent?

This Magazine Staff

Yesterday’s arrests of terrorists—whoops, alleged terrorists—in a foiled bomb plot is the latest piece of evidence that police and intelligence officials are totally infallable in the eyes of the commercial media. I’m not saying there was no plan to blow up several planes over the Atlantic, but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Doesn’t […] More »


This Magazine Staff

This is for the folks at Boing Boing. It’s my iPod!… a nostalgic…um… mash-up of a vintage 1990’s boot box and a bunch of vintage 80’s and 90’s era cassette tapes for playing on my car cassette tape playing device. I hacked the box by removing the boots and wearing them for a number of […] More »

Stunning 9/11 photos you’ve never seen

This Magazine Staff

Before Bill Biggart was killed by the collapse of the second World Trade Center tower, he was able to take some amazing photos of the chaos at the disaster site and the destruction caused by the first tower’s collapse. Biggart, a New York photographer working for a picture agency, did not survive, but incredibly the […] More »

the banality of gone-wildness

This Magazine Staff

Brave, chilling journalism from Claire Hoffman in the LA Times Magazine last weekend. She spends a day with Joe Francis, founder of the third-wave feminism challenging Girls Gone Wild video porn empire. The eternal fratboy, Francis’ ability to talk barely 18 year old girls into lifting their shirts for the camera has made him super-rich […] More »

Please turn off all cellphones — and don’t throw them away

This Magazine Staff

Hands up everyone who has bought a computer, cellphone, iPod or other electronic device in the past year. Pretty cool gadget you’ve got, isn’t it? Now, what happened to the item it replaced? Some of us probably threw the old device out, but others may find a growing pile of old electronics filling junk drawers, […] More »