This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


how to free the culture

This Magazine Staff

As Paul Wells put on his blog yesterday, the PWAC is fighting the latest demand by CanWest Global that freelancers give the company “the right to exclusively use and exploit the Content in any manner and in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe, in perpetuity.” These sorts of […] More »

As Seen on TV

This Magazine Staff

Chances are, if you’re channel surfing tonight (on your radio or TV) you’ll come across This Magazine’s super fantastic publisher Joyce Byrne, talking about our little side project You can catch Joyce tonight on CTV National News, CityTV news and Toronto 1 news. If you’re in the States, you can hear her on National […] More »

I blame myself

This Magazine Staff

The New York Times has dragged progressive America into the next stage of electoral grief – angry recrimination, in which Democrats and the rest on the… what’s the word?… left point their fingers at each other and try to muddle out a response to this god awful mess. It’s a game I like to play […] More »

A Study in Two Reactions

This Magazine Staff

In the fall of 2004, Americans are torn, as evidenced by a high voter turnout with the electorate split cleanly down the middle. Interestingly, it seems American progressives are similarly split. On one hand, you have Michael Moore, completely wrong on all his projections and hunches and hopes and optimism (by the way, where were […] More »

And in Canadian news…

This Magazine Staff

Now that 80% of everyone in Canada, and 99% of participants on this blog, will have finally awakened to the fact that wishful thinking and a buck fifty won’t even get you a coffee at Starbucks, let alone a coffee AND your preferred leader of the free world, maybe we can turn our attention back […] More »

No Looking at Dudes

This Magazine Staff

I will leave the opining to my collagues today for the most part, because I am tired, and sad. But to me the saddest and most disappointing thing of all was the outright rejection of the same-sex marriage agenda in every state it was put on the ballot. Whatever happened last night, one or the […] More »

And, in European news…

This Magazine Staff

The Stella Artois brewery in Leuven, Belgium is refusing to ship any product to North America until the Ohio provisional ballots are all counted. For those not following this blog for very long, Andrew Potter and I have a one beer bet riding on the outcome of the US Presidential election, which is still officially […] More »

Help, help, I’m being repressed.

This Magazine Staff

And just to prove that blogging is not all about the US election today, here is part two of the ongoing blogsideration of The Rebel Sell, by THIS Magazine writer Andrew Potter and U of T philosophy prof. Joseph Heath. Chapter 3: Being Normal Potter and Heath use a series of analogies to express their […] More »

D’oh… Florida!

This Magazine Staff

Air America radio is reporting that voters in Florida are experiencing problems with the automated voting machines: “Congressmen Wexler warned voters to double check the results of their touch screen voting machines. He’s been getting calls from voters claiming that when they tried to vote for Kerry, they found Bush’s name selected. The new TS […] More »

Somebody quote Springsteen, quickly!

This Magazine Staff

Woke up to images of long, long line-ups outside the polls in Florida, and am in a daylong process of reading the media entrails to see who will win—Potter or me. Perhaps the best indication is the number of conservative thinkers who have slipped into a concessionary mood on this final day. David Brooks, possibly […] More »

Vote or Die

This Magazine Staff

If you’re tired of hearing rapper P Diddy’s opinions on voting here’s Public Enemy’s Chuck D on rapping the vote. Here he is: “Of course voting is useful. But then again, I don’t put a big glow to it. Voting is about as essential as washing yourself. It’s something you’re supposed to do. Now, you […] More »