This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


more STV fun

This Magazine Staff

Anyone interested in a quick primer on voting systems can do better than to read this two part article. It’s a decent enough survey of various voting systems, but is unfortunately working with an implied theory of representation that he never makes explicit, and which is at the very least problematic. So why read it? […] More »

Top Five Lists

This Magazine Staff

Isn’t it time for top fives and things? More »

One Voter’s Experience With STV

This Magazine Staff

At a party recently, I had an enlightening conversation with an acquaintance from Ireland about that country’s Single Transferable Vote electoral system, a system very similar to the one British Columbians will be deciding whether to adopt in a referendum next spring. The Irish guy was effusive about the system, and said he couldn’t imagine […] More »

On this day in history…

This Magazine Staff

On this day in history, the most significant thing happened…the inaugural flight at Kitty Hawk by the Wright Brothers. The plane, a gasoline-powered propellor number, stayed in the air 12 seconds and travelled 120 feet. That was 1903. The History channel has a cool feature where you can see what happened on YOUR birthday. Check […] More »

In Which Our Hero Discovers His Elbow…

This Magazine Staff

This is pretty rich: Prime Minister Paul Martin slammed Stephen Harper over the gay marriage issue Thursday, accusing his rival of political cowardice. I’m feeling Xmasy. I will ship a free copy of the Rebel Sell (Americans get Nation of Rebels) to the first person to list ten acts of cowardice by The Headwaiter since […] More »


This Magazine Staff

Rely on Canadians to turn a simple clause in their constitution into a political no-fly zone. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms contains the following section: 33. (1) Parliament or the legislature of a province may expressly declare in an Act of Parliament or of the legislature, as the case may be, that the Act […] More »

THIS is a great gift!

This Magazine Staff

Those of you with last-minute gift syndrome with smart progressive friends and family on the list should consider the awesome This Magazine gift offer: Buy two subscriptions for $24.99 and get one FREE! You can order online or call 1-877-999-8447. Because I’m feeling extra especially generous this week (cuz it’s my birthday week) I’m creating […] More »


This Magazine Staff

The folks at Pantone host this cool thing, colorstrology, that matches beautiful colours to every day of the year. I am purple sage. Thanks to Cary for this one. More »

Rebel Sell goes viral

This Magazine Staff

So I had been noticing a lot of traffic again to the Rebel Sell article, including lots of “send to a friend” this week, and wondered what was going on (yeah, I’m the wizard behind the curtain, deleting all those bot comments and checking the stats on traffic — *geek*). So it turns out the […] More »

Take it to a motel, guys

This Magazine Staff

George Michael slams Elton John More »

How are we doing?

This Magazine Staff

This Magazine is doing a reader survey over here, and I encourage our blog and online audience to either take it (takes about 5 minutes) or post a comment here about how you think we’re doing. We’re interested in all sorts of things, the print mag, the online version, and the blog. The reader survey […] More »