This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Have you taken our reader survey yet? You could win an autographed copy of The Shock Doctrine!

This Magazine Staff

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The Price is RightYou’d be surprised how close the resemblance is between This Magazine’s offices and the set of “The Price is Right.” The shag carpeting, the spinning contraptions, the screaming fans — it’s quite the work environment. But of course the thing that unites us most are the FABULOUS PRIZES that are available.
If you come on down and take our 2008 readers’ survey, you’ll be eligible for a draw to win one of several nifty things, such as a copy of The Shock Doctrine autographed by author (and former This Magazine editor) Naomi Klein. Also available is an HSU VT-12 ‘Ventriloquist’ six-channel compact surround sound system, or one of five Cocoa Camino gift baskets filled to the brim with organic, fair-trade chocolate.
Taking the survey should take just a few minutes, and the information you provide is very helpful to us as we work at improving the magazine and the website. Whether you’ve had a subscription for 40 years or stumbled across the blog last week, we’d like to hear from you. And remember to spay or neuter your pets.

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