This Magazine

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The sun never sets

This Magazine Staff

<img src=”” alt=”solargraph” title=”solargraph” style=”float:centre”

As an aspiring photographer, I understand the difficulties of taking long exposure shots with my digital slr. I’ll spend a lifetime setting up the shot until it’s just right, and then, inevitably, I’ll knock the camera just before I’m finished, rendering the whole image blurry and effectively ruining the shot.
Maybe I’ve been using the wrong type of camera.
British photographer Justin Quinnell is catching the imagination of the photography world with his Solargraph, the product of a six month long exposure, created in Bristol, England. The photo captures the image of the sun rising and setting over the city’s famous suspension bridge. Remarkably, the image was produced not with the latest and greatest in photographic technology, but rather a home made pin hole camera, fashioned out of an empty coke can. From December 19th until June 21st the can was strapped to a telephone pole, allowing it to track the sun’s axis between winter and summer solstice.
From the UK’s Telegraph:

Mr Quinnell, a world-renowned pin-hole camera artist, of Falmouth, Cornwall, said the photograph took on a personal resonance after his father passed away on April 13 – halfway through the exposure. He says the picture allows him to pinpoint the exact location of the sun in the sky at the moment his father passed away.

Mostly, I just think it’s real pretty.

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