This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


John versus(?) John

This Magazine Staff

Some of you may remember a discussion that took place on these blog pages a few months ago about copyright defenders and advocates of the copyleft movement. Well, the pages of the current issue of This provide two perspectives (whether they are competing I’ll leave for you to decide) on the plight of writers and the plight of users of creative work in this day and age.

First, the always eloquent John Degen highlights what he sees as the lack of respect for writers—financial and otherwise—in Suffering For One’s Art is Romantic, But It’s Still Suffering. Second, a feature by John Sobol describes why it’s hard out there for a kid who is plugged in to today’s technology in The Copyright Wars of 2017. Innovator or thief? It’s tough to tell sometimes.

The May/June issue of This is on newsstands now, but you can catch a sneak preview here. Stay tuned for more!

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