This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Name This Magazine

This Magazine Staff

So the National Post reports today that Boston’s FleetCentre arena, home of the Celtics and the Bruins, has auctioned off 13 days of naming rights — each for a single day.
Golden, a Toronto-based internet gaming site, paid US$35,000 for the first day, and subsequent days have fetched US$2,500 to US$5,000. Owners of the arena have made more than US$80,000.
The arena needs a new name because FleetBoston Financial, for which it had been named, was taken over by Bank of America, which already has its name on an arena.
The name-for-a-day is displayed on arena signs, on its website and on voicemail.
Anyway, all this got me thinking how much bidders might offer for a chance to rename This Magazine for a day. Any takers?

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