This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


car-free living

March-April 2009


Tim FalconerWebsite

Tim Falconer, author of Drive: A Road Trip through Our Complicated Affair with the Automobile proposes a 12-step program for breaking our addiction to cars As individuals and as a society, we love our automobiles — even as we hate how they screw up our planet, our cities, and our lives. Environics Research Group, a […] More »
March-April 2009

Traffic Jamming

Jordan Heath-RawlingsWebsite

Around the world, cities are finding ways to drastically reduce, or even eliminate, car use. It could happen here too In cities around the globe, World Carfree Day is a nice little break from the everyday. Every year on September 22, dozens of large cities shut down some of their main streets to traffic, leaving […] More »