This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Art Eggleton

Friday (comparatively) FTW: Think this Toronto mayoral race is bad? In 1980 it was Nazis, homophobic cops, and the KKK

simon wallace

A friend of mine from Vancouver was talking to me about the Toronto election: “How is it that the anti-bike guy is in the lead?  I mean, to us in British Columbia, that just… it just doesn’t make sense.”  Indeed.  This Toronto municipal election is both absurd and frightening. Progressives around the city — dare […] More »
September-October 2009

Hostile takeover: Canada’s outsourced war for Iraq’s oil riches

Anthony FentonWebsite

In March 2008, when the invasion of Iraq by George W. Bush’s “coalition of the willing” marked its fifth anniversary, Canadian media outlets were in a self-congratulatory mood: “Canada isn’t involved” there, one reporter wrote. “The further we get away from the actual date, the better Canada’s decision to not get involved with the U.S. […] More »