This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Donate to This Magazine

Founded in 1966, This Magazine turned 58 this year. We’re proud of our more than five decades of independent publishing, but we couldn’t do this important work without your support. Most of our operating budget—smaller than what most mainstream magazines spend on a single issue—comes from subscription sales and the generous donations of our supporters.

And unlike other magazines that need to make profits to satisfy shareholders, all the money we raise goes directly into improving the magazine. Your support keeps us independent so we don’t have to answer to some corporate owner’s demands. This means you can be sure that what goes in the pages of This Magazine is newsworthy, not ad-friendly. We’re nobody’s house organ and we don’t toe the party line.

We’ve launched our Winter fundraising campaign to raise $5000.00 by December 31st. With your help we can continue to foster emerging talent and showcase new voices, often giving writers and illustrators their first magazine bylines. Donate today or join our Monthly Donor Club and spread your gift to This Magazine throughout the year. Your automatic monthly contributions by credit card or direct withdrawal help This Magazine cut expenses and put more of your money to work! All donations receive a tax receipt.

Your support will help us deliver more thought-provoking essays, critical analysis, award-winning investigative reporting, and Canadian cultural coverage that wins national awards.

Speaking of awards, This Magazine was proud to be the Gold winner in the Feature Writing category at this year’s National Magazine Awards for Leslie Sinclair’s piece “Books Behind Bars” from our July/August 2023 issue. Leslie’s piece about prison libraries and the work they are doing to increase access to information for incarcerated Canadians took the top spot against magazines with much bigger budgets than This Magazine, proof that our small but mighty magazine publishes the important stories that make a difference. We also took home Honourable Mentions in the Illustration and Personal Journalism categories.

Donate today and help This Magazine continue to publish the best in thoughtful, progressive journalism—with a Canadian perspective. With your help we can reach our fundraising goal and produce more of the well-researched, well-reported stories that matter to Canadians and that matter to you.

Other ways to donate

Nervous about donating online? You don’t need to be, but we completely understand if you are. You can also support us by:

Email Send your donation order to [email protected]
Mail Send a cheque or money order (payable to “This Magazine”) to:
This Magazine
#417-401 Richmond Street West
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8
Phone Call us at 1-877-999-8447 or 416-979-9429

This Magazine is published by the Red Maple Foundation. Charitable Registration No. 11911 3140 RR0001