This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Summer 2024

On the plus side

Rather than relying on fast fashion, fat folks are creating their own clothing economies

Megan Hunt

In the summer of 2020, for all the obvious reasons, I didn’t have much to look forward to—aside from the packages of clothes. Online shopping was a popular crutch during the harsh days of COVID-19 restrictions, but I felt adamant that my situation was different. I was nothing like the social media influencers showing off […] More »
Spring 2024

Girl stuff

It’s silly that women get bullied just for liking things, but there’s a lot more to be said on the subject

Sam Nock

I am admittedly a formerly pretentious, insecure hater of all things popular, pastel, and mainstream. As a teenager I forced myself to sit down and read Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, making long lists of Russian names, trying to keep complex plots straight that were honestly above my paygrade. Though I still think Anna Karenina is a […] More »
January-February 2024

Next-gen gender

Parents and designers are taking kids' fashion to the next level

Isabel Harder

  Gender-neutral clothing is a growing trend in Canadian fashion, and one that is trickling down to the wardrobes of the youngest Canadians. From chains such as La Tuque, Quebec’s Aubainerie, to small businesses such as Vancouver’s Pley Clothes, options for parents looking to build their children a genderless closet are growing across the country. […] More »