This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


See Jane leave

This Magazine Staff

ooh boy, I know some ladies of the left who won’t be too pleased with this: Jane Pratt, editor, is leaving Jane Magazine in September. Jane magazine will no longer be named for its editor when Jane Pratt steps down as editor-in-chief in September. A successor to Ms. Pratt, who launched the young women’s magazine […] More »

Beware of philosophers who would be kings

This Magazine Staff

My article in today’s Post, offering a warning Michael Ignatieff. Canadians should be wary of philosophers who would be king, but in the case of Ignatieff, he should be wary of us. (Subscription required) More »

Autonomous media. Is anybody listening/reading/watching?

This Magazine Staff

“Autonomous Media: Activating Resistance and Dissent”, a how-to handbook on seizing the media, edited by Andrea Langlois and Frederic Dubois carries a sustaining metaphor of autonomous media as a bamboo garden. A single innocent shoot can stand alone for several years and then suddenly an entire field of bamboo begins to sprout…While on the surface […] More »

Reading list help please

This Magazine Staff

I’m off to eastern europe next week, till August 12 — Lithuania, Poland, and then either Hungary or the Czech Republic. Blogging will end this week and probably not resume till September. Meanwhile, I need to do some quick reading to prepare. I just finished Gulag by Anne Applebaum and The Captive Mind by Milosz. […] More »

The Stranger, not by Billy Joel, Returns

This Magazine Staff

This bizarre case is getting so little coverage in North America—shame. Morally-suspect Polish/French director Roman Polanski (The Pianist—great film), is getting a little Albert Camus action these days, as a British libel case focuses on whether or not he was duly upset by the murder of his wife Sharon Tate, almost 40 years ago. So […] More »

Coyne gone kwazy?

This Magazine Staff

Anyone have any idea whazzup over at More »

non-neutrality at the CBC

This Magazine Staff

The National Post today reprints a memo, distributed to CBC staff, outlining the Corpse’s policy on the use of the word “terrorist” or “terrorism”. The gist of it is that staff should “Exercise extreme caution when using either word” with the guiding principle being that “we don’t judge specific acts as ‘terrorism’ or people as […] More »

Two and a half cheers for a free press!

This Magazine Staff

Over at THIS Magazine, we like to boast that nobody owns us, meaning we are beholden to no-one’s worldview, not our advertisers’ (chief among them Canada’s labour unions), not any political party’s (despite being sometimes known as the media wing of the NDP—not true; we write better than the NDP). We like our writers, and […] More »

No logo? Not quite.

This Magazine Staff

Here’s an interesting article about some recent polling data debunking the notion that today’s youth (18-24) are a bunch of anti-branding anti-capitalists. In fact, it would appear that this crew is actually less likely than the general population to be willing to spend more on ethically produced goods or environmentally-friendly products. The upshot: Manufacturers and […] More »

Hot enough for you?

This Magazine Staff

That’s from a CBC backgrounder on heatwaves. More »

reading, writing, listening

This Magazine Staff

Just finished Colossus, by Niall Ferguson. A good, but not great, book, about the unspoken American empire. Like Michael Ignatieff, he allows his liberal interventionism to cloud the fact that the war in Iraq was backed by a pack of lies. Still, I’m broadly sympathetic to his normative position (liberals should not be afraid to […] More »