This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Listen to This podcast: Myrna Kostash on "Pornography: A Feminist View"

This Magazine Staff

If the audio player doesn’t display, click here to download the mp3 file. The November/December issue of This Magazine features a cover story about the collision of feminism and pornography, an idea the magazine has explored before. In the July/August 1978 issue, Myrna Kostash wrote a cover story titled “Pornography: A Feminist View,” an essay […] More »

Video: Alex Felipe on the toll of Philippine gold mining

This Magazine Staff

In the second of our video series, you’ll hear Filipino-Canadian photojournalist Alex Felipe talk about visiting remote indigenous communities in the Philippines, to photograph the effects that gold mining has had on their communities. These photos and more are featured in Alex’s photoessay “All that Glitters” which is only in the November/December 2008 issue of […] More »

Guest Blogger: On Being Canadian Today (Impotence)

This Magazine Staff

[Editor’s Note: from time to time we’ll feature guest bloggers on important issues; In honour of today’s big electoral hurrah in the U.S., a reflection on Canadians’ feelings of helplessness as the American presidential race comes down to its final hours.] BY SARAH BARMAK A couple of weeks ago a friend from Texas who is […] More »

Video: Cover-story writer Alison Lee talks "The New Face of Porn"

This Magazine Staff

We’re very excited to share with you the first in what we hope will be a series of This Magazine video features; some of these may stand on their own, while others — like this discussion with Alison Lee, who wrote the cover story in the November/December 2008 issue, “The New Face of Porn” (at […] More »

ThisAbility #3: Somewhere Stephen Hawking is drooling (on purpose) right now

This Magazine Staff

Now for those of you who are actually paying attention: Last week, I promised that I would talk about a distinctly able-bodied affliction I’ve noticed called the “Sorry Syndrome”. Well, I’m going to make like the government and put that disability issue on the back burner in favor of something I arbitrarily deem more important […] More »

Utne Reader ♥'s This Magazine

This Magazine Staff

Our friends at the esteemed Utne Reader have excerpted a This Magazine story for their November-December 2008 issue. Peter Tupper’s “The Addict’s Last Refuge” examined the poorly understood drug ibogaine, which can help suppress addicts’ heroin cravings. Despite plenty of anecdotal evidence that ibogaine can achieve results in people who haven’t responded to traditional rehab, […] More »

Tell us what you really think with our 2008 reader survey!

This Magazine Staff

This is just a quick blog post to ask all our lovely blog readers, friends, and frenemies to take a moment to fill out our 2008 This Magazine Reader Survey. It should take just a few minutes, and the information you provide is very helpful to us as we work at improving the magazine and […] More »

The New Guy

This Magazine Staff

Now that the first issue of This Magazine bearing my name is on newsstands, I thought it was time for a proper introduction. And at the end of my first editorial (“The Trickle-Up crisis”, November/December 2008) I promised a short explanation about “who exactly I am and what business I have being here.” Here it […] More »

Strike at York University?

This Magazine Staff

York University may find itself embroiled in a strike next week. The strike may be the last resort for teaching assistants, graduate assistants, research assistants, and contract faculty, if negotiations regarding wage increases and job security, among other things, do not prove fruitful. Sadly, the media, with its poor research and resultant inaccuracies, has not […] More »

In conversation with Norman Lofts

This Magazine Staff

The ninth edition of the Planet in Focus International Environmental Film & Video Festival wrapped this Sunday, having screened over 100 of the world’s best films on a wide range of environmental themes and subjects by Canadian and international filmmakers. Awards were handed out prior to the final screening and Norman Lofts was presented with […] More »

Obama and NAFTA

This Magazine Staff

The American Presidential election is coming to a close next tuesday, November 4. Canadians might be watching this election as if it were a tv show – amused, entertained, titillated, yet ultimately detached. But let’s not forget just how much our future is wrapped up in the dealings of those south of the border. Case […] More »