This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Positional Wealth – The Rebel Sell lectures, part 3

This Magazine Staff

Chapter 4 of The Rebel Sell, “I Hate Myself and Want to Buy,” really starts to get into the meat of the argument. I love the stat Heath and Potter quote, that past $10,000 per capita GDP, one observes no measurable gains in ‘happiness’ among the richer populations of the world – happiness being, apparently, […] More »

Fall Nationals Time!

This Magazine Staff

Anyone been to the Rheostatics’ current stand at the Horseshoe? I was at Night 2 of their 4th annual “Fall Nationals” on Friday, and it was a truly great show. I haven’t bought 2067 yet, but I plan to More »

blog update: Comments are working

This Magazine Staff

Greetings all. Apologies for the problems with the site this week. Our sister site,, is getting a touch more traffic than we expected. I gather something of note ocurred in the republic to the south. Anyway, comments are functioning again. Feel free to delurk as necessary. More »

Vic Toews, public servant

This Magazine Staff

According to the CBC website, Conservative justice critic Vic Toews thinks that “Forcing Manitoba’s marriage commissioners to perform same-sex weddings is against the law” because it forces them to choose between their jobs and their faith. Hence, he thinks it is discriminatory, and — get this — he thinks that forcing commissioners to resign if […] More »

Ypres 1915

This Magazine Staff

The age of trumpets is passed, the banners hang like dead crows, battered and black, rotting into nothingness on cathedral wall. In the crypt of St. Paul’s I had all the wrong thoughts, wondered if there was anything left of Nelson or Wellington, and even wished I could pry open their tombs and look, then […] More »

The left coast indeed: The numbers are in

This Magazine Staff

Playtime hurts B.C. economy, experts say More »

American Reporters Looking to Marry Naomi Klein

This Magazine Staff

Despite the recent resignation of John Ashcroft, staunch defender of civil liberties , from the Bush cabinet, lovers of freedom south of the border can’t relax just yet. No less than eight US reporters are facing time in the big house for refusing to reveal sources. Nicholas Kristof spells it all out in his NYTimes […] More »

Massive Change (prelude)

This Magazine Staff

UPDATE: Hey look, Paul Wells reviewed the Massive Change show! I’m in Vancouver right now, where everyone wears Lululemon clothes as streetwear. Great city. I’m excited to see Bruce Mau’s Massive Change exhibition at the VAG. The show has recieved mixed reviews so far. Has anyone out there seen it? Feel free to post your […] More »

New Statesman sendoff

This Magazine Staff

From Cristina Odone’s column in the Observer yesterday. Odone resigned last week as deputy editor of the New Statesman, a lefty UK weekly with a circ of 25,000 (small by UK standards) that “punches above its weight.” (Where have we heard that one before?) Odone was a “God-botherer” and “non-lefty” who was won over by […] More »

Provinces and Ottawa Fighting Over Health Care Again – sky also blue.

This Magazine Staff

Federal Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh, perhaps upset by Andrew Potter’s continued mocking of his boss as a Head Waiter, “accidentally” spills a carafe of cold water down the backs of the provinces. From The Globe: “I can tell you with $41-billion dollars additional, there is now no excuse on the part of the provinces to […] More »

No lookin’ at Palestinian dudes

This Magazine Staff

David Frum has a question: “Speaking of media bias, here’s a question you won’t hear in our big papers or on network TV: Does Yasser Arafat have AIDS?” Not that I’m checking the national review or anything. Got the link from the good people at Crooked Timber More »