This Magazine Staff
This is curious. The Governor General, defender of the constitution, decided to honour a dedicated and unambiguous secessionist poet by giving him some bling and a nice wad of cash. Fair enough. This is Canada, and rewarding disloyalty is how we do things here.
But after his secessionist friends found out that he was Uncle-Toming it and started razzing him for being a stooge of Les Anglos, Raymond Levesque had a sudden change of heart, and decided he couldn’t accept the award. He made up some post-facto excuses about the GG being head of the Armed Forces that Canada sent into Quebec to arrest everyone back in 1970. Fair enough. If changing your mind is good enough for Lucien Bouchard, it’s good enough for Raymond Levesque.
And that should be the end of it. Separatist gets award, accepts, changes mind, declines award. No harm, no foul, and the two solitudes continue on their merry, independent ways, right?
Wrong. According to the CBC story,
Members of the award foundation are scrambling to reorganize the Nov. 4 presentation ceremony at Rideau Hall, as well as the celebration dinner the following night, according to the Globe and Mail. However, officials are also trying to find another way to recognize Levesque.
Wha? Guys, he just chucked a moon at you, and you want to find another way of rewarding him?