This Magazine Staff
There’s been not a peep on this blog about Lt. Chris Saunders who died last week after battling a fire on board the HMCS Chicoutimi – and that’s a terrible oversight. Saunders’ funeral was held today in Halifax.
If everything is indeed political, then surely the unnecessary death of this brave young man is making some folks in Ottawa very nervous indeed. Reports today show a few extra billion in the kitty, our crappy subs are now all docked, and Paul Martin is touring Europe giving world leaders advice on democracy, while his name is raised during the probe into the sponsorship scandal (hey, didn’t he promise to resign if this scandal touched his former office? Can someone check on that?).
Well, this is not America, and we don’t just explain away the tragic losses of our defenders – though that seems to be a growing continental trend. If there’s even a chance Lt. Saunders’ death is in any way related to political decisions about spending, someone should be resigning, and why not start at the top?