This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


How to Redeem Your Groupon Subscription

simon wallace

Yesterday we teamed up with Groupon to give new subscribers to This a great introductory deal and, we were very happy with the results: in 24 hours we sold 286 new subscriptions! If you’re one of those 286, welcome! We’re thrilled to meet you.

Before we can activate your subscription for Canada’s Small Magazine of the Year, however, we need some information from you.

Please call 1-877-999-THIS or email us at [email protected] to tell us your name, mailing address, email, phone, and Groupon code (it’s in the top right-hand corner of the email Groupon sent you). If you’ve bought This as a gift for someone, we need their mailing information instead.

You’re done! You’ll get your first issue in 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime, you can browse our archives, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or subscribe to our podcast. Happy reading!

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