This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Textured feminism

This Magazine Staff

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Cat Mazza Nike Blanket Petition 2003 – ongoing, crocheted wool and synthetic yarn 183 x 427 cm.
Today feminists who thread a mean warp — or admire those who do — will be gathering for the opening of She Will Always be Younger than Us. The show is a celebration of contemporary fabric arts and is curated by textiles guru Allyson Mitchell. The Textile Museum of Canada write-up explains that the pieces at the gallery are by “young artists whose work is explicitly engaged with feminist politics through the use of textile, thread and fibre.” Artists showing at the exhibit include Orly Cogan, Wednesday Lupypciw, Cat Mazza, Gillian Strong and Ginger Brooks Takahashi.

The work exhibited is also a tribute in some ways to Judy Chicago and is influenced by her bold interweaving of feminism and art. Chicago is most famous for her work “The Dinner Party,” which opened in the 70s but has a place at the table at the Brooklyn Museum of Art in NY. The Toronto event includes a panel discussion with Judy Chicago on February 12. The opening marks a recognition of the inspiration, dialogue, and diversion between second wave feminist artists and contemporary queer expressions along with contemporary feminism.

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