This Magazine

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…and the clocks were striking thirteen

This Magazine Staff

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The details of a UK detainee’s torture at Gitmo still under wraps. Binyam Mohamed‘s case has recently brought pressure on the Obama Administration to clean up more of Bush’s legacy. This past Wednesday it was made clear by a British High Court that secret information concerning the details of Binyam Mohamed’s torture should be kept behind closed doors, at least for now. Under the Bush Administration, the US threatened to “break intelligence cooperation” with the UK if the details were made public.
Writes the Boston Globe, “While President Obama has promised a new era of transparency and vowed to end torture, there has been no move to disclose information previously hidden during the Bush administration.”

Scott Horton asks the Harper’s blog, No Comment, whether the Bush Administration concealed these kinds of details because of national security concerns or out of “concern that the disclosures would fuel further demands for a U.S. criminal investigation of their own conduct, followed by their possible indictment and trial.”
Although charges were dropped against Mohamed in 2004, he is still awaiting release from Guantanamo. Since his capture in 2003, Mohamed has been subject to torture and moved through prisons in Morocco and Afghanistan as well as Guantanamo.

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