This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


North America’s pollution problems, Ottawa’s copyright slip-up, Don’t mess with Texas students

This Magazine Staff

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation has created an amazing map that plots out some of this continent’s environmental hotspots. The map has tons of layers and features and a cartography junkie could spend a lot of time with it. Canada looks pretty healthy, that is if you don’t look at Alberta. Sigh.
The Harper government is trying to play hardball with copyright reform, but before they make it illegal to download, shared CDs, or enact whatever draconian ideas they’ve got cooked up, maybe they should follow their own rules first.

As the Harper government prepares to introduce tougher new copyright rules, the Conservative party is being accused of using the theme song from the reality TV show The Apprentice without permission of the record company that owns it.
At a press conference on Sunday, the Conservatives presented an election-style attack video about the alleged costs of Stéphane Dion’s spending promises, set to the musical refrain of “money, money, money, money, mo-ney.”

Pissed off at being gerrymandered out of early voting, these Texas students marched en masse to a polling station seven miles away blocking the highway for a long time. Now, if they can just get those frightening Diebold machines thrown into a lake somewhere….
Finally, Yann Martel’s Life of Pi is an early favourite for the Booker of Bookers. Another Canadian, Michael Ondaatje (for The English Patient) is also a favourite. Go Canadian lit go!

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