This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Friendster begot MySpace begot Facebook begot WTF?!?

This Magazine Staff

With the popularity of social networking ripping across the globe like a fast mutating hantavirus, is it not an eventuality that niche social networks would evolve to address every self microcosm of lifestyle? Compiled below is the unofficial This Magazine list of social networking sites and their respective niches. Enjoy and feel free to add you own!
original audience: silicon valley screenheads with low real-time social skills
revision 2: celebrity fakersters and their respective starf*cksters
current: tumbleweeds
original audience: indie bands defected friendsters
revision 2: underage tweenster hunting ground
current: indie bands and friend request spam factory
original audience: academics and alumni
revision 2: tagged in last nights frat party photo
current: you, your parents and anyone else too old for MySpace
original audience: jews for marriage
future: jews for remarriage
original audience: “for whites by whites” (no kidding)
future: anti-hate crime police division
original audience: business networkers and job seekers
future: headhunters galore
<a href=”http://www.orkut.comORKUT
original audience: google enthusiasts
future: big with Brazillians, Indians, Greenlanders
original audience: goths, industrials, cyberpunks
future: satan

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