This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Help “Save the Internet” win a Webby

This Magazine Staff


We’ve mentioned Save the Internet before, and no doubt our blogging was a big factor (yeah, right) in getting the video about the importance of Net Neutrality nominated for a Webby award.

Why am I highlighting this nominee over the others? Because a friend of the magazine, Matt Thompson, is the creator of the video.

Anyone can vote for their favourite nominee, and the one with the most votes gets the People’s Voice Award. You have until April 27 to vote, and here are the steps (after the jump):

How to vote for

1) Register to vote here:

2) Vote for our Video
Click on “Online Film & Video” —> “News/Documentary/Public Service” —>

3) Vote for our Website
Click on “Website” —> “Society” —> “Activism” —>

That’s it. The Webbys are a big deal, so while you’re voting for, don’t be alarmed if you get distracted by all the great stuff out there. God bless the Internet.

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