This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


R.I.P. Arthur

This Magazine Staff

Arthur Magazine, the free journal of freak folk, radical politics and alternative living from Los Angeles is now deceased. Over the four years and 25 issues of its existence I learned about artist like Devendra Banhart, Brightblack Morning Light and Joanna Newsom. Perhaps even more important than the music was the bold editorial stance against militarism, racism and the effects of American capitalism.
Editor in Chief Jay Babcock was quoted last June in The New York Times: “Hallucinogens, rock ‘n’ roll, love of nature, interest in social justice. These are all people basically fleeing in horror from the homogenizing, materialist, bottom-line corporate monoculture that’s overtaking America.”
And the culture has claimed another victim, but Arthur leaves behind a legacy larger than it’s pages. The magazine was instrumental in sponsoring and nurturing an incredible amount of music festivals, art shows, musicians and writers who will keep the essence of the magazine alive.

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