This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


I confirm and do not deny

This Magazine Staff

For those out there who think all I do on this blog is refer to Paul Wells’ blog (properly apostropheed this time) and then say something smarmy, read on.
Wells wrote of Ignatieff yesterday:
Michael Ignatieff’s campaign is now reduced to a kind of dare. If you don’t support him, it’s because you’re not sophisticated enough. You can’t handle his clever insights. You can’t parse his subtle arguments. You’ve known him for 40 years. What are you, some kind of rube? Chicken. Chicken chicken chicken. Give him the job. Better yourself.
To which I would respond, “it is now reduced to that?”
For some sort of record, I like Paul Wells, and he can drink with me in Etobicoke-Lakeshore anytime. There’s one really great bar.

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