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Scare tactics

This Magazine Staff

With the Toronto Star today reporting on a poll that says the Conservatives will form a majority government in the election, let the fear-mongering begin. I’ll start.
Rick Mercer has a funny/scary imaginary Conservative Cabinet on his blog, featuring the likes of Rob “Nelson Mandela is a terrorist” Anders as Minister of State (Multiculturalism) and Cheryl “Abortion is like when Iraqis execute American hostages” Gallant as Women’s Caucus Chair.
A few other gems:
– Brian Fitzpatrick for Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. He once said, “You can’t scalp me because I haven’t got much hair on top of my head.”
– David Sweet for Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. He once said, “There’s a particular reason why Jesus called men only. It’s not that women aren’t co-participators. It’s because Jesus knew women would naturally follow. Men, on the other hand, had to be called.” He is also a former CEO of Promise Keepers Canada.
– Art Hanger, who said in 1994, “Immigrants are choking welfare systems, contributing to high unemployment, and many cannot read.”
All of the above are seeking your vote on January 23. Is it any wonder the Conservative campaign has centred almost totally on Stephen Harper, virtually ignoring the rest of the candidates?

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