This Magazine Staff
Last week on This blog, we looked at how Quebecers had risen up against their government’s decision to allow jewish private schools the right to opt-out of a public programme, with full compensation. I suggested that in this case, the people of Quebec were denying to the jewish community a right that Quebecers themselves had demanded, and recieved, from the rest of Canada.
One interesting thing about that was that a number of greek private schools in Quebec had been receiving full funding for the past 20 years. So, it would seem that what’s good for the Greeks is not so good for the Jews.
Of course, it was clear that this introduced a visible imbalance into the education system. Let’s call it “asymmetrical educationalism.” Quebec being fond of distinct treatment for distinct groups, you’d think they’d be happy to let the imbalance stand.
Apparently not:
Province rethinks funding of Greek schools
QUEBEC CITY – Several weeks after backtracking on funding for Jewish private schools, the Quebec government is now taking another look at its full-funding of Greek schools