This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Money talks…

This Magazine Staff

We’ve had a lot of response to our inaugural media column by Arthur Johnson, Wage Slaves, which entreats the large, profit-driven magazines to abolish their unpaid internships. It touched a nerve for young journalists who are expected to ‘pay their dues’ by working for free to enter the magazine workforce. And the righteous clucking amongst editors and publishers alike? Some, but not all, feel that the system works exactly as it should and needs no adjustments thank you very much.
I’m curious about the blogverse? Read Art’s position, take a look at Patricia D’Souza’s take on the subject, and weigh in.

Full disclosure: This Magazine runs on a non-profit model and relies on many sources for funding, including government grants. We have unpaid internships from September-May, and rely on government youth employment programs to fund our summer program. (And in the absence of a bio available at the moment, I’m the publisher, and one of only three full-time paid staff).

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